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Contact Connect

Contact Connect is an our online service we provide to all of our clients.  We Partner with a suite of cloud based software and business advice providers to support you in your business every step of the way.


We will either train your in-house staff to use the software or provide a bespoke service to support your bookkeeping and accountancy requirements.

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We've Got you Covered on Digital Accounting


We use the latest cloud packages to not only help you comply with HMRC's initiative of Making Tax Digital, but also to help you understand your business, its costs and ongoing performance.

We've got you covered on Cutting Down on Paperwork


We support you with receipt capturing software to help you organise and retain your paperwork, not only saving time on data entry but also storing it electronically on your behalf so you don't have to.

We've Got You Covered on Fee Protection


All of our Direct Debit plans come with the additional benefit of free fee protection insurance to cover our time and fees in the event of a HMRC investigation into your tax affairs.

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